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Notes on Choregraphy
My perspective

notes on choreography

my perspective

“My perspective on choreography is a constantly developing enquiry. Beginning when I was 12 years old, my mentor Elsie Salomons challenged us, as she would adults, to create dances that would lure our audiences into the depths of our imaginations. Studies particularly with Juliana Lau, Alwin Nikolai, Ruth Zaporah, Sifu Lee, and Gusmiati Suid have deeply influenced my approaches to creation as have over 25 years working across oceans from North America to Europe, Australia and particularly with extraordinary contemporary artists of South East Asia. 8 years teaching choreography at Concordia University in Montreal provided me the opportunity to personalize a vocabulary and viewpoint.


Then of course there is an evolving practice through my own creations and as mentor and dramaturge for colleagues and students in Canada and internationally, who challenge my aesthetic and cultural perceptions daily. And thanks to Susan Lee for our conversations that help clarify thoughts into principles. The Choreographic Marathons and other trainings are based on the following principles.


I invite you into our world and explorations.”


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