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My Past Follows Like a Dragon Tail

Toronto "Dora Mavor Moore Theatre Awards" Nomination 

Solo dance for Yvonne Ng


description of work

My Past Follows Like a Dragon Tail: Description of work

Past presenters included


  • Danceworks,

  • Dance Canada Danse Festival,

  • Dancing on the Edge Festival,

  • Singapore Substation,

  • Indonesia International Dance Festival (Heppner performing)

  • and in Yvonne Ng touring repertoire across Canada and internationally.

Commissioned by Yvonne Ng in 1998 to create a solo for her, Maxine delved into their shared understandings of finding one's way through powerful heritages full with love, tension, struggle, compassion and release. The result was a work redolent of Yvonne's Singaporean heritage as she was moving into prominence in the Canadian dance scene.


My Past Follows Like a Dragon Tail: Reviews

“powerful, spirited” 

Dancing on the Edge Festival, Vancouver, Canada,1998

Toronto "Dora Mavor Moore Theatre Awards" Nomination 

Solo dance performance for Yvonne Ng


“une performance pleine de charme et de nostalgie avec My past follows like a dragon’s tail. Une scène epurée où sont suspendues un douzaine d’ampoules accueillé une chorégraphie tantôt théatrale – une théatralité où l’on peut lire, en filigrante, les origines de l’interprête – tantôt energique et dense.”

Andree Martin, Ottawa Citizen, Canada, June 1998


My Past Follows Like a Dragon Tail: Credits


Maxine Heppner 


Yvonne Ng


Miguel Frasconi

Set and Costume Design

Maxine Heppner

Original Light Design

Roelof Peter Snippe

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