supported by
Across Oceans Arts has been possible thanks to the dedication of many individuals, cooperating organizations, arts groups and Canadian and international institutions including:
The Toronto Arts Council
The Ontario Arts Council
Heritage Canada
The Canada Council for the Arts
Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Canadian Cultural Human Resources Council
Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation
The CanadaAsean Centre
The Japan Foundation
The Laidlaw Foundation
University College Drama at University of Toronto
Brock University Department of Theatre Arts
York University Fine Arts
University of Toronto Arts Administration and Cultural Pluralism programs
The Toronto Consulates of the Republic of Indonesia, Sweden, and France
L’Alliance Francaise
PepsiCola Canada
Carbon Computing
Steam Whistle Breweries
fwp trading
VIA rail
Toronto Women’s Newspaper
And the many community groups, arts organizations, artists and public who have participated in the projects.