Oct 5: Nine Bronze Pieces with the Evergreen Club LIVE
Enquire to audition for Legacy project for new generation movers in Oct, Nov, Dec
January: Tractor a new ensemble work as part of the Legacy project
in creation:
Lullabies: with Sashar Zarif, Jessica Runge, Mafa Makhubalo, Takako Segawa & ensemble
Fathers & other daemons: digital creations with Jerome Delapierre, Christos Giotis,
Alex Dobson, Louis Laberge-Côté, Gerry Trentham, Takako Segawa, En Lai Mah
Pillow on Wood: with Studio Hanafi
Just past
In the Middle of a Smile - Singapore Jan 2024 with John Sharpley,, Maxine Heppner